Games-Demos | OpenGL | OpenGL Performer


The Grid Chase is a 2D action game programmed in OpenGL and C/C++.
 It is a variation of the legendary Amidar video game.
Navigate the Green Star to fill in the grid while avoiding the nasty Enemies. Whenever a grid box is filled the underlying part of the picture is exposed. Expose the whole picture to move to the next level. Will you survive and expose the long lost pictures of the 12 Hounds of Death !!!
This game was inspired and build from Lesson21 of the site. This demo was featured in the companion CD for the Book "OpenGL Game Programming" published by PrimaTech.

Key Features:
- Improved rendering speed over the original Lesson21.
- Top score List.
- Improved AI over the original Lesson21. Use of A* path planning algorithm to find shortest path.
- Live and Score bonus.
- Obstacles in grid.
- Sound support through mikmod/MikWin
- Multiplatform support uses Glut for portability (Irix, Unix, Windows).

WindowsBinary [1.7Mb]
Source Code (Win/Irix/Unix) [200k]


This Demo (which developed itself into a small game actually) features Collision Detection, Collision Response, Physically Based Modeling and Effects, was an entry for the Physics Contest at This demo is based on the MagicRoom demo which I developed earlier as a Tutorial for the site.  Of course a lot of new additions were made, and the original application was extended with new features, interactivity and more physics. This Demo was among the first five winning entries at the Physics Contest at MagicRoomII was featured in the companion CD for the Book "OpenGL Game Programming" published by Prima Tech.

MagicRoomII [400k]


The MagicRoom Demo features Collision Detection, Collision Response, Physically Based Modeling and Effects. It was developed for the OpenGL challenge contest in Physics where it took the first place. This demo was the predecessor for the successful MagicRoomII demo and served also as the base for the Collision Detection tutorial  at the site where all the interaction and algorithms used were explained with source. MagicRoomII was featured in the companion CD for the Book "OpenGL Game Programming" published by Prima Tech.

MagicRoomI with full Source and Collision Detection Tutorial [300k]


This is my first game/simulation in OpenGL. It is a new 3D version of our old familiar breakout type games. Everything might be in 3D but the principle stays the same use the bats to hit the ball before it goes out of the arena. This demo was featured in the companion CD for the Book "OpenGL Game Programming" published by PrimaTech.

Key Conpepts:
32 bit Graphics ,OpenGL ,Sound ,Physically Based Modeling.

NewBreakout [300k]


This was one of my first shareware games. It is a Puzzle Bubble Clone. Programmed back in the 90's for my old 486.
The Programming Language used was C/C++ for the core logic and Assembly for programming the VGA graphics card output, I/O and Collision detection. It was written with the shareware DJGPP compiler. [400k]