OpenGL Performer
Games-Demos |
Implementation of a dotXSI 3.0 and
3.6 loader for OpenGL Performer scene graph library. The loader
supports meshes, material, textures, transformations and morph
animations. The loader was implemented as a dynamic shared library to
be loaded only when needed. It performs optimizations like triangle
strip generation and material sharing. Developed for the
new generation of projects of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, as
the "A walk in Ancient Olympia" shown during the Olympics 2004.
Loading and playback of skeleton and
inverse kinematics animations with mesh and material data exported in
Cal3D animation format using the Cal3D SDK. The data from the format
are converted into a Performer node tree. All real time features such
as animation playback, blending between animations, speed changing and lod levels. Developed for creating animations
and action for projects of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, as
the "A walk in Ancient Olympia" shown during the Olympics 2004.
Implementation as a Performer Node a
full Night/DaySky simulation cycle with generation SkyDome. The colors
on any point on the SkyDome are computed by the DaySky model which
takes into account the sun position and other weather factors such as
turbidity, exposure, gamma and a specifically introduced model which
enhances the colors at sunset/rise. After sunset a basic Night Sky
model is computed which also features Stars and Moon. The position of
the sun and all of the weather attributes can be animated to have
animating sunset/rise with change of weather conditions. The color of
the Sun as light source is also computed in order for objects under
the SkyDome to be lighted correctly even at Night. Developed for the
new generation of projects of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, as
the "A walk in Ancient Olympia" shown during the Olympics 2004. |
Dynamic loading and unloading of
Applications. Loads all Performer Scene Graph data in/out of memory
and texture memory. Developed along with a Menu GUI System for the VR
installation of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, to switch among
applications consisting of several 100 MBs of data.
Developed for the Foundation of the Hellenic World
2001. Revised in 2003. |
Realtime painting and
distorting of textures and color material on object models in a 3D
environment. Allows paintingg using custom brushes, colors or images
on 3D models and dynamic subload into texture memory and realtime
changing of material colors for interaction. Developed for the "The
Workshop of Pheidias" project enabling user interaction painting for
the Foundation of the Hellenic World during 2003. |
Realtime morphing and animation of
3D models. Morph attributes supported are vertices, normals,
colors, materials and textures. Allows animations and special
transform effects to be applied to 3D models, such as character
animations and texture morphs. Developed for the Foundation of the
Hellenic World during 2000. Revised in 2002. |
Advanced Particle Engine for
creation of fire, smoke, water, firework and other effects. The
particles can be emitted from various areas like point, circle,
rectangles, boxes and triangles meshes. The particles can have any
texture, animating textures, shape and color. These attributes can be
changed over time to produce dynamic effects. Developed for the
Foundation of the Hellenic World during 2001. Extended in 2002,2003.
Blend and Enhance geometry using
multiple passes for lighting operations. Useful for additive and
subtractive lighting operations on 3D geometry for realization of
shadows, decals, bump maps and specularity highlights. Developed for
the Foundation of the Hellenic World during 2000.
Example: Additive specular highlight
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Developing and programming various
performer nodes for geometry interaction, camera path animation,
collision detection, navigation, sound, effects, animation, dynamic
transformation, level of detail, switching, geometry optimizations,
billboards and forest simulation, geometry highlighting, 3D text, user
tracking, VR systems adaptation and support of a custom developed
scripting language.
These nodes are incorporated into the EVS (Enhaced Visual Simulation)
engine used for the production, development and presentation of the
projects for the Foundation of the Hellenic World. Development started
from 1999 and is ongoing. |