Gaitatzes A., Christopoulos D., Papaioannou G., "The Ancient Olympic Games: Being Part of the Experience",  in Proc. "5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage", (VAST 2004) and "2nd Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage", Oudenaarde, Belgium, December 7-10 2004.
Georgios Papaioannou, Athanasios Gaitatzes, Dimitrios Christopoulos, "Enhancing Virtual Reality Walkthroughs of Archaeological Sites", in Proc. "4th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage", (VAST 2003) and "1st EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage", Brighton, UK, November 5-7 2003.
D. Christopoulos, A. Gaitatzes, G. Papaioannou, "Image-Based Techniques for Enhancing Virtual Reality Environments," in Proc. "2nd International Workshop on ICTs, Arts and Cultural Heritage", (ARTNOUEAU 2003) Athens, Greece, October 2003.
Gaitatzes, A.G., Christopoulos D., Roussou M., "Virtual Reality Interfaces for the Broad Public," in the Proceedings of "Human Computer Interaction 2001, Panhellenic Conference with International Participation", Patras, Greece, 7-9 December 2001.
Gaitatzes, A.G., Christopoulos D., Roussou M., "Reviving the past: Cultural Heritage meets Virtual Reality,"in  the  Proceedings of "Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage", Athens, Greece, 28-30 November 2001.
Gaitatzes A., Christopoulos D., Voulgari A., Roussou M., "Hellenic Cultural Heritage through Immersive Virtual Archaeology," in the Proceedings of the "6th International Conference on   Virtual    Systems & Multimedia", Gifu, Japan, 4-6 October  2000.


κουκκίδα 2nd International Workshop on ICT's, Arts and Cultural Heritage, Athens 10/2003.


κουκκίδα CAVE VR System. CREATE project (Constructivist Mixed Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural Heritage) Public Showcase. Athens, Greece 12/2004.
κουκκίδα Reality Theater. CREATE project (Constructivist Mixed Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural Heritage)  Final Project Review. Nice, France 11/2004.
κουκκίδα CAVE VR System. 2nd International Workshop on ICT's, Arts and Cultural Heritage, Athens 10/2003.
κουκκίδα CAVE, IMMERSADESK R2 VR systems. Medi@terra, Athens 12/2002.
κουκκίδα SGI Large Screen Reality Center. COMDEX Exhibition, Athens 2000.